According to the OECD/INFE 2020 international survey of adult financial literacy, about half of the EU adult population does not have a good enough understanding of basic financial concepts. Sparly is on a mission to change that by educating and building financial habits.

Overindebtedness in society contributes to mental health problems, such as anxiety and stress. Providing financial awareness and knowledge promotes well-being & mental health.

According to the OECD/IMFE 2020 survey , young people and women appear to have lower financial literacy and worse financial attitude scores than the rest of the sample consistently and significantly.
Our user-tests show that the biggest reasons are lower-income, lack of knowledge, and self-confidence regarding financial decisions. Sparly will reduce gaps in society by simplifying control over personal finances & making accessible financial skills.

We promote sustainable consumption through our sustainability courses. Sustainable consumption in turn contributes to stronger personal finance.