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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Sparly?

What is Sparly?

Sparly is a free finanical fitness app available on iOS and Android. In the app you get Habs - quick and easy ways to save money based on your financial situation.
Our algorithms analyze your bank transactions and set-up a personal habit plan to get you on top of your finances.

Why Sparly?

Why Sparly?

Saving money is hard when the cost of living is high. Nowadays it is so easy to click & buy without knowing that you're running out of money. Credit, invoices and loans are constantly chasing us and putting us at risk of getting into a debt trap. Budgeting apps drown you in numbers locking you into yet another expensive subscription.

Sparly is on your side. Our app will help you get more money out of your money with fun and achievable money habits. Discover your daily habs, and keep a streak for a big impact on your money over time.

What are the Sparly Habs?

What are the Sparly Habs?

“Sparly Habs” are a set of habit-building tasks to help you save money, pay-off any debts, as well as reflect and raise awareness about your financial situation. Examples of such habs are: “Don’t spend money for 24 hours”, “Bring your lunch box”, “Swish habits”, “Reflect over your purchase” and many more. To use the Habs you need to connect your bank transaction data to Sparly. Sparly cooperates with Tink AB to securely connect to your banking data with your consent.

Is Sparly free to use?

Is Sparly free to use?

Sparly is a free app. We get paid by banks and companies that partner with Sparly to co-create and sponsor our Habs.

Who can use Sparly?

Who can use Sparly?

Everyone who is at least 18 years old can use the Sparly app. The age limit is set to follow the Swedish Marketing Act.

Is the Sparly-app available both for iPhone and Android?

Is the Sparly-app available both for iPhone and Android?

Yes, the Sparly app will be available both for iPhone and Android. Join our mailing-list to gain access.

Why does Sparly cooperate with Tink?

Why does Sparly cooperate with Tink?

Tink AB helps Sparly securely connect and access bank transactions with consumers’ consent. Tink operates under the regulation of the Financial Supervisory Authority in Sweden.

Is my personal data safe with Sparly?

Is my personal data safe with Sparly?

At Sparly, we respect and safeguard your privacy and the right to control and transparency in the processing of your personal data. Sparly uses bank-level security measures such as SSL encryption and stores all data and the mobile application in the Amazon Web Services cloud system. Read more on how we handle your data in our privacy policy.

What if I don’t want to use the Sparly app anymore?

What if I don’t want to use the Sparly app anymore?

We made it easy for you to both join and leave Sparly. Simply open the “Settings” tab in the app and select “Delete my account”. All your personal identifiable data will be deleted if you choose to delete your account. You are always welcome to join Sparly again.